While I was pregnant I would religiously watch "One born every minute" and I would constantly read and watch birth stories. I was OBSESSED! So, here is my birth story...
My life changed on the 27th April 2014 at 16.04 pm at West Middlesex Hospital.
But my birthing story starts a few days before, so lets start at the beginning..
I was 38 weeks pregnant and a couple of weeks before I had to stay in hospital over night because I had a little bleed and babys movements had slowed down. Everything was fine and perfect but because of my diabetes the midwifes wanted to see me twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy to be strapped to a machine and have my baby's heart monitored. It was lovely, I would go with my mum or my friend Demi and we'd sit chatting listening to my baby's heart. I'd had other appointments for my diabetes and by now was on Metphormin tablets and the Insulin injection.
So yeah, It was a Tuesday, I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant and I had a heart monitor appointment. This time I went alone. I was talking to the midwifes and they looked at my daily blood record book and noticed how erratic my blood readings were and that I'd had to inject myself with insulin. I then heard them talking and I heard the word "Induced" mentioned.
That was it, I freaked. I knew with diabetes most women get induced. But i'd only gone to the hospital to get my baby's heart monitored and I was on my own. Luckily, my mum only works at a school near the hospital so I text her and she was with me within minutes. So, while I was sat having my baby's heart rate monitored the midwifes got a consultant (who I had met before) to speak to me about being induced. She then went off to book my induce date and I had to wait in a different room. When she came back I was told I would be being induced on the Thursday and I was given a sweep. It didn't hurt but was very uncomfortable. This could have started labour off as this is when a doctor or midwife sweeps their finger across your cervix, separating the membranes of the amniotic sac. Releasing a hormone to kick start labour.
I was excited but upset. My sister was going to New York on Thursday with her college and I really wanted her to be at my sons birth.
I spent the next couple of days getting my hospital bag ready and then Thursday quickly came around.When I got to the hospital I was literally welcomed with open arms by the midwife team. I was shown to my bed and everything was explained to me. Then the inducing process started.

(me on induction day outside the hospital!)
Firstly I was given an internal examination and a sweep. A pessary was then inserted and then the wait started. If contractions hadn't started then in 24 hours I would have another pessary.
24 hours came and went and nothing happened. The other girl in the room had been screaming all night in labour and it was so scary. So the next day I was given another sweep and pessary and then had to wait all over again. Blake's dad stayed with me that night and we kept getting told different things witch was a bit frustrating.We got told at one point that my waters would be broken but it got later and later and the maternity ward was so busy that it didn't happen. They ideally wanted my waters to break on their own and the midwifes were all really lovely. But the unknown was scary. So after another night with little sleep and being woken up to have my blood pressure taken I was then given another examination (I think also another sweep) and a gel was inserted. Then another wait began. But after a few hours I thought I began to feel something. It wasn't painful, just little twinges. But they turned out to be nothing.
I forgot to write that throughout my days I would be strapped up to the machine to monitor babys heart. I also was never bored as I constantly had visitors. My mum and dad came straight from work. My nan had come up from Chichester. Blakes dad woud come and my auntie, uncle and Blakes god mother all came to see me too. I would go for walks round the hospital and bounce on the birthing ball to start my labour. Also the food was lovely and the midwifes were amazing.
So it was the early hours of Sunday morning when my contractions started. My mum stayed with me that night and I managed to fall asleep. I woke up at 5.30am and was in a lot of pain. The hours quickly went by and the pain got worse. My Nan turned up and I was given pain killers and gas and air. But I still screamed the place down. I'm not even joking I was terrible. I even started crying because my mum laughed at me because at one point I sounded like I was singing. I cant describe the pain. All i remember was getting this overwhelming feeling to scream! What really helped at the beginning was my Nan rubbing my lower back.
The lady next to me was speaking to a doctor about her next step of being induced and I was screaming away. I even, during a contraction, apologized for interrupting their conversation by being to loud. But the doctor heard how much pain I was in and told me he would be moving me asap to have an epidural. I hadn't even told anyone I wanted the epidural but within minutes I was being taken down to the labour room where I would be having my baby. By this time Blakes dad turned up and he held my hand as we went to the room.
As I walked into the room, I wanted to cry. Just seeing this tiny cot that in a few hours my baby would be laying in. When I got there I was introduced to my main midwife and a student doctor. My lovely, amazing student midwife (I will do another post on her as I literally owe her everything) had just got back from visiting her home in Scotland and it was her day off but came in as I wanted her to deliver my baby. Also in the room was my mum, Nan, Blake's dad and another midwife kept coming in and out so I had defo an audience.
I was 4cm dilated when I got to the labour room. I had to then wee in a cardboard bowl and the midwifes were quite concerned as I had blood in my urine. While I was in the toilet I had such a massive contraction I tried to climb up the wall and I kept telling the midwives that I didn't want a c-section. I was in ridiculous pain and contractions were coming really frequently.
The antithesis then came to do my epidural. He was very blunt told me everything and then told me if he didn't do my epidural now I'd have to wait half an hour. I automatically didnt like him (even said that while high on gas and air having my cannula fitted hehe) But there was noo way I was having any more painful contractions so even though I had a contraction while the needle was going in my back I managed to stay still. I hate needles but I don't remember the epidural being painful. I think I was too busy concentrating on not moving.
After having the epidural I could still feel little twinge contractions but the pain had gone away. I was then told to wait an hour and then I'd be given another examination to see how far I was. As I was laying on my side, strapped up to a monitor my waters broke. I thought everyone had heard it so I just said "Oh so my waters have broke" but silly me, no one else had heard. The area down there was then cleaned and I was examined. I was then told I was fully dilated! Even the midwifes were shocked. I had gone from 4cm to 10cm in no time.
The bed I was laying on was then rearranged into a chair and I was ready to push.
So the midwife would watch the monitor and tell me when a contraction was coming, I could also feel. So when the contraction came I had to push. There was no way I wanted to be pushing for hours so I did 3 or 4 big pushes to every contraction. I had Blakes dad on one side holding my hand and my mum on the other side. My nan was at the front watching the birth like a film. Inbetween pushes and contractions we'd all discuss and take bets at what time we thought Blake would be born. After a few more pushes Blakes head was nearly out and I was soo worried about tearing that I went into panick mode and could feel pain. The midwifes kept me sane by telling me what to do and suddenly with one last push Blake was born.
It all happened very quickly and I cant describe the incredible moment you push for the last time and see your baby. I would do that last push over and over again.
Blake was quite blue and he had to have his cord cut extremely quickly by my student midwife and then was rushed over to the side to be suctioned. It was all a bit of a crazy blur but it was over quickly and Blake started crying and was passed back to me. It was overwhelming. I was crying with happiness and Blakes dad was in tears being comforted by my nan. I couldnt believe after 9 months my beautiful miracle was finally here.
I had a second degree tear and was being stitched up but I had my newborn baby in my arms. I couldn't stop looking at his beautiful little face and I couldn't stop telling him how much I loved him. So tiny and so perfect. Mine
Here are some newborn photos of my prince...
Thank you for reading this long post about the most amazing day of my life. I hope this has helped someone out there. If you have any questions about being induced, labour, pain relief, diabetes or anything then don't hesitate to leave a comment or message me at littlelondonmummy@hotmail.com
Believe me, If i can have a baby anyone can...hehe..
Lots of love