Obviously things have been difficult for me, having to accept a lot of disgusting things that I never thought would happen to me and my son. Being a single mummy suffering with heartbreak and dealing with anxiety and depression certainly wasn't how I wanted things to be. But it wasn't my choice and I am now accepting what has happened and I do believe I am stronger and I will be happier for my Blake. I am soo thank full to my amazing friends and family who have helped me through this tough time but I don't want to waste anymore time being down, its not fair on my son. And although he doesn't know it or understand I thank my Blake for being my everything and being there (with big smiles and dribbly kisses) to make mummy smile.
But enough about all that..lets talk about the amazing things that have happened over the past 5 months and the amazingness of being a mummy.
Blake was born weighing 6lb 3oz. I got him weighed 2 weeks ago and he is now 15lb. He is now wearing 3-6 month clothes and yes it does make me a little sad looking at all his tiny first size outfits because he was so small when he was born. But i do love kissing his little chubby belly and making him giggle.
He certainly has found his voice. He loves shouting/talking to me, my family and cbeebies. He also likes to really look at people when they are talking to him as if he's really listening and taking everything in. He's a funny one. But also smiling. Blake is a very smiley baby and is starting to smile back at people if they smile at him. But at first he would only smile at people that he recognized. Which leads me to giggling. One of my favorite things at the moment. I will kiss his belly, neck or tickle him and he will giggle like crazy. Which is the most adorable thing.
A not so nice thing that his Grandad (my dad) has taught Blake is how to blow raspberries. He hasn't mastered how to do it with his tongue out yet but he makes the noise and dribble goes everywhere.
Blake first rolled from his front to back but last month he taught himself to roll from his back to front. I think he enjoys rolling and being on his front as he does it a lot when on his playmat on the floor. He also likes laying on his back and holding his feet. His next thing will be sitting up as he keeps trying to and he likes sitting while being aided by me.
His favorite play thing has to be his Jumperoo. Everyone raves about this product and I can see why. I got Blake a second hand "Jumperoo- discover and grow" from ebay for extremely cheap considering how much they are to buy brand new. But this one was in perfect condition and looked like it hadn't been hardly used. But we did clean it and Blake loves it..although it did take him a few goes before he was actually bouncing. He also loves his Alfie bear by Vtech which I have done a review about. Oh and also "Sophie le giraffe" who gets covered in dribble from being chewed.
Which leads me onto teething. I think Blake has started teething as he constantly chews on his hands and everything else he can get his little hands on But I cant see any signs on teeth coming through yet and he doesnt seem to be suffering to badly yet. I am dreading teething as I hate Blake crying and I don't want him to be in pain.
Blake is now completely bottle fed. I did breastfeed for 3 months but he is now on 6oz of Aptamil and I feed on demand. He is yet to sleep through the night and every night is different but he generally wakes up twice.
Some other info- Blake has been away a few times. Not abroad yet but he has been on a boat when we went to the Isle of White. I always pack so much for him when we go away but it is a necessity. I have also taken him swimming, which he loved and hope to take him more. He has had all his immunisations. He did suffer a bit with the first and 3rd lot of jabs but that is because they include pneumonia. He got a bit grizzly and upset but that was helped by 2.5ml of Calpol.
There is probably soo much more I could fill you in on but I think that's a general update of the past 5 months. Here are some photos for you to look at to see how much Blake has changed..

Words cannot describe how much I am in love with my little Prince. He means the world to me and more.
Thank you soo much for reading this post. Please follow and share.
How gorgeous is he !!!! Awww he's so beautiful I'm so broody ! X
ReplyDeleteHe is gorgeous! The pics of you and him are lovely too I hardly have any of me with Aidan x
ReplyDeleteThank you both soo much.. Im soo obsessed with taking photos hehe xx