Monday, 22 September 2014

Pregnancy Yoga..x

While I was coming to the end of my pregnancy I went to a few pregnancy yoga classes. I absolutely loved the lessons. At the start of the lessons each lady would tell the group how many weeks pregnant she was and then any news or complaints she'd had that week. It was nice to hear other pregnancy stories and listen to the women who were further along than me and what they were experiencing. 

We would then start the lesson doing different stretching positions and breathing exercises. We would end the lessons laying on our mats with our eyes closed listening to the teacher. It was soo calming. What with everything I was going through it was good to get away for an hour, relax and concentrate on the now. Not worrying about what was going on and not thinking about the future but concentrating on the moment and focusing on my breathing. It was also good to meet other pregnant ladies.

I would highly recommend pregnancy yoga for any mummy to be. I have a dance background but obviously being pregnant, my flexibility wasn't as good and my balance was horrendous..hehe..but that didn't matter. Pregnancy Yoga is adapted for your new changing body and your not made to feel like you have to do every position if your unable. 
The teacher who took the class was lovely and made you feel very welcome. She also had a very calming voice which was so easy to listen to and made you feel extremely relaxed. I'm quite shy and find it difficult to walk into places I've never been before but as soon as I entered the yoga class I was warmly greeted by the teacher and made to feel welcome.

Benefits of pregnancy yoga:
  • Boost your energy levels
  • Keeps the body strong and supple
  • Connect with your breath and become more physically aware of your body
  • Relieve tension promote relaxation
  • Discover birthing positions for a healthy labour
  • Relieve minor ailments (e.g heartburn, swollen joints, PSD, sciatica)
  • Help you relax and promote restful sleep (

I started pregancy yoga classes quite late on in my pregnancy but wish I had started sooner. You can start the lessons from 12+ weeks(second trimester)
Here is the link to classes I went to
My lessons were in Isleworth and they cost me £12 a lesson. I found the classes as they were advertised on

Many thanks for reading,
